
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Holidays!

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holiday! Regular updates will resume after the holiday break. Stay safe!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

WGI 2000 PSA and 2003 World Champions

This to give you a little more information on my background and to prove I am not making things up, here ya go.

Marching Band on Bouncing Bridge

What happens when a marching band marches in step over a newly constructed bridge? Watch to find out. It may help to look at a tree or object that is not moving and you will see the difference between the static object and the bridge.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Marching Snare Drum Sheet Music: Blue Devil's Dick 1995

Marching Snare Drum Sheet Music: Blue Devil's Dick 1995. The classic, the infamous!

Want to march Blue Devils one day? Learn how to play drums.

Bluecoats Drumline 2008 Video

Video I shot of Bluecoats drumline in 2008 before a show in Toledo.

Welcome to Drum Stuff!

Hello! Welcome to the Percussion and Drum Stuff blog. I will share some of my tips and tricks of drumming with you. I drum almost every single day, whether it is on an actual drum, practice pad, Rock Rand video game, or just on my desk at work with my bare hands. First, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I began taking drum lessons when I was in five grade. I joined band in 6th grade playing the bells which I oh so hated. I did marching band in high school at Thomas Worthington. My freshman year I was in the front ensemble (not marching) and my last three years I played snare drum and became a section leader. I also did indoor drumline (winter percussion), again playing snare. In 2003, we won the WGI PSO Scholastic Open World Championship. I graduated from the University of Toledo with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I was head drummer while I marched in the Rocket Marching Band my first two years in school. The purpose of this blog is to share my knowledge and help others so please ask any questions that you may have!